Room Three
10:00 - 10:50
Chair: Lauren Tones, ASM Global (UK)

For artists, venues, and promoters alike, the brand space is more important than ever. Once seen as the ‘cherry on top of the cake,’ brand sponsorship is now an integral part of live music’s commercial model.  But with the rapid professionalisation of the sponsorship industry and brands facing their own financial challenges, how do you ensure a win-win experience and develop long-term relationships?

In this session, hear from both brands and live industry leaders on what it takes to work in perfect partnership, which campaigns are currently turning the dial, and thoughts on what festivals, tours, and artist teams should expect to see in this vital space in the future.


Lauren Tones
ASM Global Europe (UK)
Bradlee Banbury
Matías Lóizaga
PopArt Music (AR)
Heather Lowe
Fred Perry Limited (Global)
Nillie Münir
O2 (UK)