Each year, The Nikos Fund raises money for a chosen registered charity to commemorate the life and contribution to the ILMC of one of our founding members, the late Nikos Sachpasidis.

Every delegate automatically makes a donation to The Nikos Fund just by registering for the conference, but there will be additional opportunities to further swell the coffers by giving generously via the Nikos Fund collection tins that are strategically placed around the Royal Lancaster Hotel and occasionally shaken loudly in your face during the conference.

ILMC 36’s charity of choice is Music Saves UA.


Music Saves UA is a non-profit fundraising initiative created by the Ukrainian Association of Music Events to provide immediate humanitarian help to those who need it most right now in Ukraine, as well as to support the national musical product as a means of countering hostile propaganda through music

To find out more or to donate: Music Saves Ukraine.